Monday, May 22, 2017

Digital Footprint #3

My Digital advice

  • Don't use your face or voice on a site that is public if you want to hide your identity
  • Try not to talk to people you don't know putting yourself in risk
  • Use Social Media on your own risk
  • Don't trust people who you don't know in real life.

Digital Footprint #2

Digital Footprint #2

Think about three websites you use. Who sees the information you share on each of those sites?

1. Facebook

         I share places were I've been with pictures and funny images but don't take pictures if my self only friends and family see these stuff.

2. Instagram

        I am not really active on here but only friends see me not my family or others.

3. YouTube

      Many people see me i don't know who but people watch me play video games i can interact with them also making online friends but i don't use a face cam or mic.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Digital Footprint #1

Digital Footprint #1

>>>>My Avatar HERE<<<<

Question: What is a "Digital Footprint"

A digital footprint some type evidence that you leave about you on the internet. (History) For example when you search something on google like "Digital Footprint" somewhere it stores the URL of what you have looked up and makes a huge place of pages you visited.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Post #3 (Elements)

What are elements of a blog? (List at least 5)


Post #2 (Purpose)

What is the purpose of a blog?

The purpose of a creating a blog is too interest people on your life. Blogs can come in with many different subjects for example cooking, driving, technology, and daily stuff your doing. blogs are pages about you or someone else anyone can create one using the right source. Blogs can also receive followers to keep people who are interested in your blog updated at all times. You can also follow other meanwhile having your blog.

Post #1 (Steps)

What are the steps in creating a blog? (List at least 5)

The steps of creating a blog are simple. One you have to have a source to use. Two You need a subject. Three you need to have your blog focus on something. Four Post daily about you. Last Five make sure to organize it 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Welcome my name is David and this is my e portfolio on blog spot. I will be active on weekdays. Here is a text to speech version of this Here. Thanks For Visiting.